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Author: admin

How to lose weight without dropping a cup size?

How to lose weight without dropping a cup size? Written by: Ms. Sylvia Lam, Accredited Practicing Dietitian APD, Accredited Dietitian HKDA Many women often want to maintain the size of their breast during weight loss. They often ask dietitians if there are any foods or diets that...

To get v-line abs/firm abs, eating protein powder, eggs whites and boiled chicken breast are necessary? And why people dehydrate themselves for muscle building? What is dehydration?

To get v-line abs/firm abs, eating protein powder, eggs whites and boiled chicken breast are necessary? And why people dehydrate themselves for muscle building? What is dehydration? Written by: Ms. Sylvia Lam, Accredited Practicing Dietitian APD, Accredited Dietitian HKDA In recent years, many men, also women are...

To lose weight, one has to become a vegetarian?

To lose weight, one has to become a vegetarian? Written by: Ms. Sylvia Lam, Accredited Practicing Dietitian APD, Accredited Dietitian HKDA. Many studies have found out that a balanced vegetarian diet can reduce the chance of developing chronic disease including obesity, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, type...